Reviews and Reader Comments

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“Enough is told to entice a reader into believing that he grasps the full story; enough is left out as well so that you cannot walk away with that thud of satisfaction that arrives when you feel you have had all you questions answered.”

    Read the full review by  by  Jannie Dresser in The Bay Area Poetry Review


“A book not only of remembrance, but of survival, as well a hard-won joy.”

    Read the full review by Seth Jani in Seven Circle Press


“A powerful and emotionally arresting collection.”


“I just want to sing these poems, or join in the singing.”


“Hers is a vernacular voice, we are gripped by story. Hers is an elegiac voice; we are gripped by grief. Hers is a mythic voice; we are transported by the power of her language.”


“Driven by a passion for life and a desire to embrace all of it.”

“This poet expertly and compassionately traces the edges of her world and finds it good.”


“Poems that involve and challenge on every page.”